Loutzenhiser-Jordan Online Guestbook for Patsy R. McHale
Condolances to all your families on your recent losses.
Jim Straub
Lee, Norma and families - Such a dear friend has passed. Her endless smile will always be remembered. So many great memories from the old card playing days with the OC friends, plus all the camp weekends in Marionville. Mom will certainly miss her. Bless you all.
Patty & Gary Beatty
I send my most heart felt sympathy at this time! I will never forget her, she taught me how to iron a shirt and much more! So many memories were made and will be always cherished! May she rest in peace and may perpetual light shine on her always! Love and Prayers, Kathy and Family!!
Kathleen Schonauer Murphy
I enjoyed wathcing the video, it took me back to my childhood. So many of my memories of Grandma Jean and Grandpa Pete have Pat in Bob in them. I have great memories of Pat and Bob, Aunt Pat was a wonderful lady may she rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you I am truly sorry I could not make the service.
Jennifer Reichard Nelson
Y'all are in our thoughts and prayers. Phil. 4:13 gets me through these times. Cling together!
Jim McCanlies
You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know dear how much i love you so please don't take my sunshine away..
Brittany Vincent
to april and jim , my condolences for your grandma
brian croll
This brings back many happy memories. May she rest in peace.
Debbie Reichard
May God bless your family at this difficult time.
April, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and Hugs-------Carla
Carla Cain