Loutzenhiser-Jordan Online Guestbook for Marty M. Marini
Mario & Chris, I'm so sorry for the loss of your father and the grandfather of your 3 beautiful children. I hope that knowing he's in God's hands now and that you have the love & sympany of friends (like me) to keep you going. I hope your faith and the support of loved ones will help ease your loss. I've missed seeing you guys all this time, but I'm still here for you if you need me. With Love & friendship..Corey
Corey Sowers Guarnieri
Marty was a great guy and I was saddened to hear of his passing. I met him when I was in high school and worked at the airport. I never could keep up with him!
Rick Keys
Comfort yourselves in that another Warrior has experienced the Promises of our God. You are all in our prayers for Great Rejoicing coupled with your grief. Andrew,Sally Farina
Pastor Farina
The Brother's & Sister's at Christian Assembly send our condolences and uplift you in prayer. Personally, I always appreciated Brother Marty's congeniality and sense of humor. They were contagious and a witness to The Lord whom He loved. Blessings on you Sister Nettie and may The Lord continue to strengthen you. Marty will be missed.
Pastor Daniel & SharonJoy Farina
Nettie and family......you are all in our thoughts and prayers during this sad time. We knew Marty long before I knew the rest of you. He was our mailman for many years when we lived 'on his route'. He was always a favorite, too. We know he will be missed by all who knew him.
Love and hug,
Betty K and Fred
betty k junk
Marty had his wings here on Earth and flew with the Eagles, Now he has his GOLDEN wings in Heaven and Soars with the ANGELS. Thanks Marty for letting me be a part of your life. BUTCH
Frank H. Vanderslice