Loutzenhiser-Jordan Online Guestbook for Ivan A. Pritts, Jr.
Mr. And Mrs. Pritts and Shelly,
So sorry to hear of Ivan passing.
I'm so sorry and you have my deepest sympathy. God bless Call
Cal Carter jr.
So very sorry to hear of Ivan's passing.
Joe Stanko
To Shelley, Judy, Mom & family, I would like to give you all my deepest sympathies and prayers at this very sad moment. Ivan was truly a great friend to me and for that, he will forever be in my memories. Rest in Peace, Ivan.
Frank Consiglio
All our love to you.
Michael and Michelle Rainey
You have my deepest sympathy. I worked with Ivan Sr. and Jr. at Greif Brothers in Greenville.
Bob Alexander
Our love and thoughts are with your family. So sorry for your loss.
John & Mary Lou Delaney